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Refurbished T&M Instruments

9 kHz to 30 GHz with GPIB

The MS2667C Portable Spectrum Analyzer is a synthesized spectrum analyzer covering a wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 30 GHz.

It has superior basic performance such as high C/N ratio, low distortion, and high frequency/level accuracies and is easy to operate.

It has a Measure function for evaluation of radio equipment that includes a frequency counter and one-button evaluation of C/N, adjacent channel power, occupied frequency bandwidth, and burst average power.

It has a large selection of options and application software packages.

Anritsu MS2665C 頻譜分析儀

9KHz ~ 21.2GHz With GPIB

The MS2665C Portable Spectrum Analyzer is a synthesized spectrum analyzer covering a wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 21.2 GHz.

It has superior basic performance such as high C/N ratio, low distortion, and high frequency/level accuracies and is easy to operate.

It has a Measure function for evaluation of radio equipment that includes a frequency counter and one-button evaluation of C/N, adjacent channel power, occupied frequency bandwidth, and burst average power.

It has a large selection of options and application software packages.

9 kHz to 8.1 GHz with GPIB

The MS2663C Portable Spectrum Analyzer is a synthesized spectrum analyzer covering a wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 8.1 GHz.

It has superior basic performance such as high C/N ratio, low distortion, and high frequency/level accuracies and is easy to operate.

It has a Measure function for evaluation of radio equipment that includes a frequency counter and one-button evaluation of C/N, adjacent channel power, occupied frequency bandwidth, and burst average power.

It has a large selection of options and application software packages.

9 kHz to 3GHz with GPIB

The MS2661C Portable Spectrum Analyzer is a synthesized spectrum analyzer covering a wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 3 GHz.

It has superior basic performance such as high C/N ratio, low distortion, and high frequency/level accuracies and is easy to operate.

It has a Measure function for evaluation of radio equipment that includes a frequency counter and one-button evaluation of C/N, adjacent channel power, occupied frequency bandwidth, and burst average power.

Keysight HP8594E 頻譜分析儀

9KHz - 2.9GHz

The Agilent 8594E is an easy-to-use RF spectrum analyzer that offers a wide range of performance, features, and optional capability to meet your measurement needs. Downloadable measurement personalities combine with optional plug-in performance to provide tailored solutions for your application.

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